几百年来, 我们的祖辈和父辈们从中国原乡,几经风浪,离乡背井来到东南亚,在这片土地上落地生根,艰苦奋斗,繁衍发展, 渐渐让后代接受良好的教育,并到城市为生活打拼,成就斐然!
华人的血液里,传承着自强不息和刻苦耐劳的个性与精神, 为美好的生活努力奋斗,留下了许多东南亚海外华人白手兴家的痕迹。
白手兴家奖与东盟海外华人奖, 不仅仅是一项表扬奖,也是为了表扬东南亚海外华人的坚毅与刻苦的精神!欢迎各界人士报名参与,包括百年老品牌、新品牌华企、华商以及杰出华人。
For hundreds of years, our ancestors and forefathers have gone through a lot of challenges to come to Southeast Asia from their hometowns in China. They stay here, work hard, and produce great achievement.
In the Chinese blood flows the personality and spirit of self-improvement and hard work, striving hard for a better life, leaving traces of many overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia.
【Wherever the sea reaches, there will be Chinese】
The ACBA Award is not only an award of recognition, but also to commend the spirit of perseverance and hard work of overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia! People from all walks of life are welcome to sign up, including century-old brands, new brand Chinese enterprises, Chinese businessmen and outstanding Chinese.
Please don’t miss the opportunity to be recognized and praised for your efforts and achievements.